Free Running-free

Posted by Unknown on Monday, July 30, 2012

FREE DOWNLOAD LAPTOP | Free Running the game is fairly old. The most recent port, being for Wii. For this review, I used the PC port with Xbox 360 controller.While the game does have it's flaws, it does shine in being the first all Free Running game. Games like Assassin's Creed, Mirror's Edge, Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider – while all brilliant in their execution of free running elements, have been a little lacking. I don't mean in gameplay, as there is a lot to each of these games that makes them shine. However, none of them have solely focused on free running or put much emphasis on it in terms of what you can do.I myself, when playing Assassin's Creed, never really found it to my bread and butter. Prince of Persia, held my interest more as being absolutely epic in parkour mechanics. Now that Free Running the game has come along, I expected this to take it up to a level that tramples the existing competition for free running.

In many ways, it delivered an experience I really wanted in single player. But, to no surprise it also had it's fair share of flaws. Strangely enough, most of them were not the problems people were complaining about.

Rumours and misinformation are abound with this game. The majority of them, from people I'm certain who never even picked up the game.

The Game: What I appreciate about the game, is that there is characters to choose from and customization options available. However, I feel this is limited. The roster could use a wider range, or even better, a create-your-own character experience.

The challenges are fun. Some of the events include time trials, doing tricks to pass challenges, racing, and a few more. Some, get a little easier as you go on. Mainly from your own skills improving. Others like trick challenges, depends on your memory and skill level. Or, a finger ready to hit the pause menu regularly.

The difficulty varies greatly, depending on the level and tricks your used to. It's easy to absorb the most used tricks. In reference to Xbox 360 controls, press B or X when landing a trick or from high areas. Press B to land on a railing or beam safely. B to pull yourself up. B for horizontal and vertical runs. A to jump. Y, to instantly turn around. Then you have tic-tac (wall jumps) that require timing and can even include wall run.

Regardless, I still find the challenges addictive. But, I'm a little more old school of a gamer. I come from a time when games were mind numbingly hard from the Nintendo and Genesis days. Where story, was rarely included in the game. It's something you picked up from instruction manuals or game guides who invented story lines the publisher didn't necessarily make. In that way, Free Running is old school.

But, you really don't have a sense of purpose for these challenges other then the one you invent for yourself. You only race Sixte and his friends, just cause the challenge is there. The game, never makes you feel that you have to beat them.

When I think about it, everyone's playing the same character with different voices and names. None of them, with any dialogue worth saying. No bold statements, humour, excitement in their voices, or trash talk. It comes across as more robotic then human.

The line you'll hear most in the game is “Sixte mentioned you. Nice (insert item you have to wear). Okay, lets see what you got” or some derivative. There's really, no story to take part in. Your essentially, an apprentice and your only goal is to beat challenges. Lending the game to often take itself too serious.

I really wish, the developers had taken the time to better implement challenges into this game. Cause, even Tony Hawk Underground as a series had a decent storyline, dialogue, and elements of humour. Even better, learn from Jet Set Radio and branch off in a wild new direction with free running.

Jet Set Radio, is best known for having zany characters with emphasis on challenges. And at times, fighting to survive with a spray can and roller blades. I'm not saying copy them, just learn from them.

The camera, is another con. Anytime you have to adjust the camera or turn around quickly, it's a little finicky. I just hope, that they make a sequel, implement a better camera, and take the game a new direction.

The Verdict: This is, a 3.5 out of 5 for me. I think, this is a great idea. They've taken free running, and made it solely about the sport instead of involving guns and blades. However, it fails to fully deliver because of a poor story, forgettable characters, and camera bugs.

Screenshot :

BY Agus makmur manurung

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